Everything You Need to Know About Lipid Disorders | Cholesterol Doctors

Conditions that lead to an abnormal concentration of lipids (blood fats) are collectively referred to as "lipid disorders." Triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) are examples of these fats. LDLs are also known as "bad" cholesterol. The blood also contains high-density lipoproteins (HDLs), the "good" cholesterol. This article will discuss lipid disorder symptoms, their potential causes, and the available treatments, such as dietary and other lifestyle adjustments that can help lower high cholesterol. If people residing in Georgia Atlanta are looking for a good Lipid Specialist In Georgia Atlanta , they might get in touch with Cholesterol doctors. What is A Lipid Disorder? When you have a lipid disorder, your LDLs and/or triglycerides tend to rise. HDLs are considered beneficial because they aid in the elimination of LDLs from the body. Arteriosclerotic plaques are formed when fatty substances, such as LDLs and triglycerides, accumulate in the bo...